
Fishes of the Black Sea:DARK CROAKER.

Gregarious predatory fish. Has a little extended body with a small hump in a forward part (from here, obviously, and the name), dark blue with violet and golden outflow on a back, light-golden on sides, bright white in a belly part, a black fringing of the second top and tail fins.
Lives in the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait and in adjoining waters of the Sea of Azov. Keeps in a benthonic layer at rocky coast, stone scatterings. Eats a sandwort, ateriny, a sprat and other fishes, crustaceans, mollusks. Reaches length of 70 cm and
masses 4 kg.kantovka of the second top and tail fins.
Spawning in the summer, portsionny, caviar floating. Catch croakers more often donka, throwing a bait — a shrimp, worms, small fish — on 50 — 60 m from the coast. At night and after a storm when water isn't so transparent, poklevka. happen closer to the coast and it is possible to catch a poplavochny fishing tackle. A scaffold 0,4 — 0,5 mm, a hook No. 8 — 10

Fishes of the Black Sea: LIGHT CROAKER.

Much more largely dark (to 1,5 m and 32 kg), but a body in a form same, on a back brown, with silver outflow, on sides pale golden, in slanting strokes, in a belly part silvery, a characteristic detail — on a chin a short thick short mustache. Also lives practically in the same places, as dark though meets where is more rare, and catch it as, however, being cut, it shows persistent resistance.
Croakers are thermophilic and for the winter depart from coast. Interesting feature — quite loud as though humming sounds published by them.

Catch croakers more often donka, throwing a bait — a shrimp, worms, small fish — on 50 — 60 m from the coast. At night and after a storm when water isn't so transparent, poklevka. happen closer to the coast
also it is possible to catch a poplavochny fishing tackle. A scaffold 0,4 — 0,5 mm, a hook No. 8 — 10.


Fishes of the Black Sea: RIVER FLOUNDER (GLOSS).

Has a brown-green body in spots on which along the lateral line bone plates and  hillocks, prickly at the basis of back and anal fins, and fins in brown spots last. Lives in Black, Azov, White, Barentsovom and Karsky the seas (to the Yenisei gulf). Keeps in foreshore on sandy and oozy soil. Comes into the rivers and highly rises in them. Eats worms, crustaceans, preferring shrimps, small fish. Reaches almost to a half a meter and weight more than 2 kg.
Kambal catch more often donka on animal nozzles: sea worms, shrimps, mollusks, slices of fish, etc. A scaffold 0,25 — 0,3 mm, a hook No. 7 — 10

Fishes of the Black Sea: KATRAN (prickly shark)

Predatory gregarious fish. Th body extended, dark gray with white spots on a back, is more light, also with white spots on sides, white in a belly part, at the beginning both the first, and the second back  fins on a prickle.
Lives in Black, Barents, Beringovom, the Okhotsky, Japanese seas. Keeps in benthonic layers, but, pursuing jambs of fish, rises up to a surface that happens at night. Eats not only fishes — willingly eats crustaceans, mollusks, including octopuses, squids. Reaches two-meter length and weight of 15 kg.
Katran — a shark viviparous. In the different seas whitebaits appear different time. Them happens from several to three tens. Catch this fish a spinning, a path, the petty tyrant. Bait: slice of fish, live bait, light spinner. A scaffold 0,4 — 0,5 mm, a hook No. 10 — 16. To unhook it follows too with care — after all катран can put a trauma not only prickles, but also skin, which at it rough, as an emery paper.



Gregarious predatory fish, a shape of a body reminds in proportion reduced tuna and, as well as it, is adapted to long fast swimming. The back in dark slanting strokes, casts blueness, sides and a belly the light.
It is widespread in the Black Sea. Keeps in the thickness of water and at a surface. Eats small fish. Reaches length of 0.85 m and weight of 7 kg.
Spawns in the summer in coastal shoal, caviar floating. Juvenile fish grows unusually quickly, gathering in 3 months to
0.5 kg .
Pelamida — fish thermophilic and on wintering leaves in Marble е. For weight gain jambs come back to the Black Sea waters strongly thinned so in other years its capture here becomes a rarity. Catch  the petty tyrant, a spinning, in a plumb on a spinner, a bait: slice of fish and other animal nozzles. A scaffold 0,3 — 0,4мм, a hook No. 10 — 12. The best biting — since the end of summer before leaving from the coast.


Very large gregarious predatory fish. A body streamline, slightly extended, perfectly adapted for long fast movement, dark blue on a back, casting green on sides, white in a belly part.
It is widespread in Atlantic, keeps at a surface and in adjacent layers. It is thermophilic, therefore in our Black Sea waters appears the hottest time — in July — August. Usually "accompanies" a jamb  small fish whom eats, Tunas are built by a chain as if zagonshchik, and that one, another do attacks on some meters forward, and then as though move back back already with a full mouth of live silver. After a while everything repeats. The tuna reaches length of 4 m and weight more semitones. The tuna represents extremely tempting trophy for our fishers who have not been spoiled by fight against so large sea fishes. For hunting behind it the sound boat or a boat are required especially powerful tackle with a large supply of a strong cord.


Gregarious fish. A body harmonous, slightly compressed from sides, bluish-green, speckled by cross-section dark strips on a back, bluish and iridescent with the remains of strips and spots on sides, light-cream or golden in a belly part.
Lives in the Black Sea, meets in Baltiysk and Barents the seas. Keeps in the thickness of water and at a surface. Eats fish crustaceans, mollusks. About 40 sm and the magician сы reach lengths 270 g.
Spawns in the Sea of Marmara in March — April. After a vymetyvaniye of caviar comes back for нагула in the Black Sea.
Catch a mackerel more often the petty tyrant. It comes across from spring to late autumn. A scaffold in diameter 0,2 — 0,3 mm, a hook No. 7 — 10.
Fishers distinguish three age groups of mackerels. Young call chirusy, zamaterevshy, but lean, spring — the troublemaker, and fat, autumn, as a rule, larger — a rocking chair. A place where is in clover a mackerel jamb, it is possible to notice from far away: there incessantly with characteristic noise fish jumps out of water. The mackerel is very tasty, after all in its meat contains to 16 % of fat.