The drawn crucians to wash out, salt, strew with pepper, to roll in in a flour and to fry. Then to lay on a frying pan oiled, to impose with fried potatoes, to water with sour cream, to strew with crackers, to add butter and to bake in the oven
On 600 g of crucians — 120 g of butter, 20 g of wheaten crackers, 25 g of wheat flour, 400 g of sour cream, 1 kg of potatoes.


Fillet of fish need to be passed twice through a meat grinder, from the salted forcemeat to form flat cakes. On the middle of each flat cake to put butter and fixed edges, having given to cutlets an oval form. Cutlets moisten in egg twice, coat with breadcrumbs in a flour and crackers. To fry in a large amount of fat.
Cutlets watered with the kindled butter, with the combined garnish — fried potatoes, green peas, a boiled beet and carrots, marinaded or salty vegetables move.
On 600 g of fish take 100 g of butter, on 2 tablespoons of wheat flour and crackers, 2 eggs, salt and pepper — to taste.


The carp cleared, washed-out and cut for the portion to fill in with cold water, to add carrots, parsley, onions, pepper, salt and to cook to readiness. The welded carp to lay on a dish. On each piece of fish to put the lemon slice, the cut egg and parsley greens.
The broth received at cooking to filter, cooking to a bigger fortress, to add the gelatin soaked in water and to finish to boiling. Then again to filter, cool and mix with the raisin boiled thoroughly in honey, to fill in pieces of a carp and to put in a cold place for a  thickening.
On 500 g of a carp — 50 g of raisin, egg, 50 g of honey, half-onions, 40 g of carrots, 2 peas of pepper, 20 g parsley, 10 g of gelatin.


Fish to clear of skin and bones. Pulp to pass through a meat grinder together c onions. In forcemeat to add egg white, pepper, salt — to taste. All weight is good for mixing and turning in a damp gauze roll the in thickness of 7 cм. Then to put in the ware which bottom is covered with the sliced carrots and onions, to add pepper in peas, a bay leaf, skin and bones of fish. All components to fill in with water and to cook under a cover on slow fire not less than one and a half hours.
The cooled-down roll to cut in the portions on 50 — 70 g, to put on a dish, put each slice a lemon segment, a parsley leaf, a circle of boiled carrots and all this to fill in jelly (with a broth on gelatin).
For one portion: fish brainless the potrosheny — 93 g, protein of one egg, onions napiform — 10 g; salt, spices — to taste.

Fish to clear and wash out, through a back cut to take out a backbone, to remove bones, interiors and gills.
To boil dried mushrooms, small to cut them and to roast with onions. On a mushroom broth to cook friable buckwheat cereal, to add in it the mushrooms fried with onions, crude eggs, ground pepper, salt. Carefully to mix and this forcemeat to fill the prepared carp. Now fish needs to be salted, rolled in in a flour, to fry in oil on a frying pan and to put in an oven. A ready carp cut for the portion.
On kg of a carp — 100 g of buckwheat, 50 g of dry mushrooms, 100 g of butter, 3 eggs, one and a half onions, black pepper to taste, 2 tablespoons of the wheat flour, one and a half glass of a mushroom broth for porridge preparation.

Fillet of fish pass through a meat grinder, add the fried onions boiled to semi-readiness rice, salt, pepper and carefully mix. From tomatoes cut off tops; take out pulp and fill with the prepared forcemeat. Then fill in them with white sauce and bake in an oven. Before giving to a table a dish decorate with greens.
For sauce preparation wheat flour slightly roast on butter and dissolve previously with the filtered hot fish broth which weld from the heads, bones and tails of the same fish. Roots of parsley, spice will go to a broth, butter, lemon juice small cut onions.
On 500 g of fish — 4 — 5 tomatoes of average size, on 2 tablespoons of a flour and butter, a rice half-glass, an onion, salt and pepper — to taste; white sauce — 400 g.

In a stewpan oiled, put some pieces of a pike perch, cover with a layer of potatoes cut by circles. Then again a layer of a pike perch and potatoes layer — and so several times. From above always there should be potatoes. Don't forget to salt. Strew contents with pepper, fill in with the warmed-up oil and sour cream, cover and put in an oven. Before giving on a table it is necessary to strew fish with the cut greens of parsley.
On kg of a pike perch — 100 g of butter, 0,5 kg of sour cream, 1,5 kg of potatoes, a tablespoon of small cut greens of parsley, 4 peas of bitter pepper.

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