
Fishes of the Black Sea: RIVER FLOUNDER (GLOSS).

Has a brown-green body in spots on which along the lateral line bone plates and  hillocks, prickly at the basis of back and anal fins, and fins in brown spots last. Lives in Black, Azov, White, Barentsovom and Karsky the seas (to the Yenisei gulf). Keeps in foreshore on sandy and oozy soil. Comes into the rivers and highly rises in them. Eats worms, crustaceans, preferring shrimps, small fish. Reaches almost to a half a meter and weight more than 2 kg.
Kambal catch more often donka on animal nozzles: sea worms, shrimps, mollusks, slices of fish, etc. A scaffold 0,25 — 0,3 mm, a hook No. 7 — 10

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