
Fishing spool Salmo Elite Freerun 7650BR

Producer: Salmo (Latvia).

The specialized coil intended for catching of large fish: carp and sazan. The powerful low-high-speed coil provides an effective vyvazhivaniye of the most worthy trophy fishes. The Freerun system used in this model of the coil, provides the thinnest control of a stravlivaniye of a scaffold - it won't pull together with шпули a watercourse, and the fish trying a bait, won't feel slightest resistance of a scaffold. The strong case with machining of landing openings of bearings, exact microadjustment of the forward frictional brake, the convenient handle and the general reliability of all mechanism put this coil in the category of elite tackles.
Features of Salmo Elite Freerun 7650BR:

    brake frictional forward (with microadjustment);
    7 bearings ball;
    1 bearing roller;
    instant stopper of reverse motion (anti-reverse);
    anti-reverse switch the flazhkovy bottom;
    sistem of a stravlivaniye of a scaffold with the switch frame;
    high-precision mechanism of a drive: bronze – aluminum;
    case karboplastovy;
    tube main aluminum (facilitated);
    tube additional plastic (graphite);
    roller of a lesoukladyvatel konusny increased (protivozakruchivatel);
    handle of a lesoukladovatel hollow strong (facilitated);
    covering wearproof nitride of the titan: roller of a lesoukladyvatel, handle of a lesoukladyvatel, side tube;
    handle: aluminum mechanically processed, with screw type of fixing, with possibility the right / left foreign installation;
    the handle ergonomic from rubber;
    assembly with high precision.
Salmo Elite Freerun 7650BR characteristics

Capacity tube: 0,40 mm / 170 m.

Fishing spool Salmo Supreme XTS3 (4535RD)

Producer: Salmo (Latvia).

The universal high-speed Salmo Supreme XTS3 4535RD coil of middle class with a back frictional brake. The balanced mechanism of the coil has a smooth and easy course. The coil is supplied with a 30-dot anti-reverse. The budgetary coil intends for a wide range of fishers.
Coils of the Supreme series are intended both for beginning fishers, and for fishers with a long standing. These are inexpensive bezinertsionny coils, but their mechanism is made and collected with high quality. In a series of Supreme coils there are technical solutions which meet in more expensive series: anti-reverse, high-quality power mechanism, covering of details wearproof materials.
Salmo Supreme XTS3 characteristics (4535RD)

brake frictional back RD (multidisk);
3 bearings of ball (CRBB);
switch of an anti-reverse the mobile top;
case karboplastovy;
tube  main plastic (graphite);
tube additional plastic (graphite);
roller of a lesoukladyvatel cone increased (protivozakruchivatel);
covering wearproof nitride of the titan: roller;
handle: with screw type of fixing, with possibility the right / left foreign installation;
high-quality assembly.
Capacity : 0,30 mm / 100 m.
Number of bearings: 3.
Transfer number: 6,2: 1.
Weight: 310 g.


How to equip the float fishing-rod of the

Basic constituent of the successful fishing there is the competent rigging of float fishing-rod. Frequently on the rivers it is possible to see fishermen which tyagayut carelessly ukleyku, here pour out the not alone kilogram of the expensive feeding which is anymore intended for bringing in of roach and bream.  What is business in? We will mark, in order that fishing was successful it is necessary to know how to equip a float fishing-rod it is correct.
To the factors, which also influence on the successful catching, take: presence and force of flow, ways of catching object, depth of reservoir, activity of fish. Exactly taking into account the depth of reservoir it is necessary to choose the variant of fastening of float. Variant exists two: to apply a sliding float, or deaf. To choose a correct variant it is necessary to be oriented on length of udilischa. In case that length of udilischa by meter and more exceeds the depth of catching place, equipping a fishing-rod is necessary a deaf float.
It is needed to mark,  biggest-selling among most fishermen is the deaf rigging. It contingently a comfort in the use. To to this rigging it is necessary  to choose a float on the following principle: what the flow of the river is stronger, the more round there must be a float. It can be explained the technique of catching which got the name «In priderzhku», namely, when a fisherman brakes float, that a hook with attachment could go away down stream forward.  In respect of prolate floats, in such situations they


Who did get in the Red books?

The fishes added to the Red books are subdivided into five categories depending on the quantity of their kinds :
I. a category is kinds(subspecieses) being under threat of disappearance; kinds the quantity of that attained a critical level as a result of(including) drastic alternations of places of their habitation and that
in the near time, apparently, will disappear; kinds that, maybe, disappeared already.

II. a category is kinds the quantity of that quickly grows short; rare or even ordinary in the recent past kinds with a so steadily growing short quantity, that in the near future, if urgent measures will not be accepted, they will pass to the category of vanishing.

III. a category is rare kinds being not yet under the instant danger of extinction, but meeting in such small amount or on such insignificant territories, that any serious danger can quickly result in their disappearance.

IV. a category is not popular, studied not enough kinds, maybe, being under threat disappearances, however the lack of information allows to take them with a confidence to one of the first three categories.

V. a category is the recovered kinds the quantity of that under influence of the measures accepted before began to increase. Now they go out from under hanging over them dangers, however the state of them must be constantly controlled.

Fishes of all five categories of all regions of our country are brought in the Red book of Russia. Their distinctive signs, colouring, distribution, habitats, feed, spawning and sizes, are given. Here
practically all types of fishes of families a sturgeon, salmon, many types of carp.

Atlantic sturgeon. Fish I is categories, being under threat disappearances.
Body of oblong fusiform form. Tail flipper asymmetric. There are 5 longitudinal rows of bone house-dogs on a back, sides and belly. The long dug, nostrils are well developed, a mouth little, lower, is cylindrical, on the downside of snout ahead of mouth are two pairs of long smooth tendrils.
Colouring of back from greenish-brown to almost black, with age becomes darker. The abdominal side of body is rather yellow-white.
Widespread at-sea North Europe, including in Baltic, and also in the Black sea. Before met in Ladoga and Onega lakes.
At-sea an atlantic sturgeon dwells at a bottom, on small depths. There are grounds to consider that at-sea this fish accomplishes migrations in the layer of water. An atlantic sturgeon now is very rare, and knowing about these fishes on the single catching is possible very small, but, having regard to all known information, it is possible to suppose that they dwell at-sea mainly on soft sandy and silty
At-sea a sturgeon feeds on shellfishes, worms, crustaceas and fish - by bull-calves, chick-weeds, in the Black sea - by a khamsa. Молодь in a freshwater period of life feeds on the above-ground on a day larvae of insects, shallow crustaceas and shellfishes.
Seed-fishes are included in the rivers in April - May and after spawning abandon the river, and молодь born in the river remains here sometimes 3 to. A sturgeon spawns in the rivers on a depth a 6-8 m on  soil.
Sticky black caviar is glued to soil, in 3-7 days from grains of roe larvae are pecked out. Fecundity of one female with¬ставляет from 800 thousand to 2 millions 400 thousand grains of roe.
A female is arrived at in length a 3,5 m and the masses by 317 kg, males some more shallow. Large copies are very rare in our time.
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni. Fish I is categories, being under threat of disappearance.
The wide dug, уплощенное, лопатообразное, sharp-edged. On the end of snout from one to nine

sharp thorns. For two sharp thorns present between eyes and on the back of head. Mouth large. Eyes very little. A body between the rows of bone house-dogs is covered by bone granules. The overhead blade of tail flipper ends with a long filament. A back is brown or darkly-grey. Belly light, rather yellow. Widespread in Amudaria.
The mestome of habitation is a river-bed of the river with a sandy bottom. Молодь feeds on invertebrates, mainly by the larvae of insects. Adult individuals eat up fishes: loaches and also water larvae of insects.
Spawning takes place in April. Fecundity of females from thousand to 1,9 thousand grains of roe, but sometimes there are copies caste to 30 thousand grains of roe. Young fishes after hatching is rolled in the lower areas of the river.

Adult individuals arrive at length a 75 cm(including a tail filament) and mass to 2,5 kg

 Aral sea salmon. Fish I is categories. One of intraspecific forms of bulltrout, rare,  being under threat of disappearance.
Body slender, fusiform, a bit  from sides. Mouth large. There is a fatty flipper. Anal flipper short, has less than 10 branchy rays.An aral sea salmon is very near to caspian. Differs from the last more long head, more long jaws.
Colouring of back is dark, sides - silvery. A body is covered by numerous black spots.
Widespread in the
Aral sea. 
Conducts greater part of life at-sea. The way of life is studied very poorly.
Feed - traditional for all predatory fishes.
On spawning rises in
Length arrives at a 1 m, масса- 13-14 kg.

Sevan trout . Fish I is categories, being under threat of disappearance. Forms a few intraspecific forms: winter and summer
Body fusiform. After a dorsal fin there is a small fatty flipper characteristic for all salmon. Head not large. Overhead a jaw does not go behind the back edge of eye.
Colouring during working out is silvery, with the back of steel color, there are a bit dark patches on sides, they are bordered by a weak light rim. In a marriage dress males get dark, flippers become almost
black, 2-3 red spots appear on the sides of body.
Young fishes - with dark transversal stripes and red spots.
Widespread in a lake Sevan, acclimatized in a lake Issyk-Kul.
A habitat is strictly unreserved: meets on all lake.
Basic food is crawfishes-amphipoda.
Ишхан known under the name "winter bahtak" spawns in a lake on a depth a 0,5-3 m, on a shallow hoggin, from November for March. Ishkhan known under the name "summer bahtak" spawns in spring and summer in the small rivers Bahtak-tea and Gedak-bulah , and also in the  areas of lake. Bodjak, more shallow form, spawns also in a lake on a depth a 1-40 m in October - November. Finally, the form of гегеркуни(most shallow trout) on spawning goes to the rivers in winter.
Length is more often only near a 30 cm, mass 300-400 the Large copies long a to 75 cm and to 4-5 kg are extremely rare mass.

Chinese perch, or auha. Fish of family of lithoidal perches of I of category. Rare kind being under threat of disappearance.
A body is compressed from sides. A tail flipper is rounded. Abdominal flippers have a powerful thorn. A scale on a body is shallow, smooth, I am on cheeks and operculums. Mouth large, a lower jaw is strongly given out forward.
Colouring of back is grey or greenish-grey, sides - silvery-rather yellow, for large individuals - sulphur, with wrong, meeting black spots. On all flippers, except thoracal and abdominal, there are also bright black spots. The basic background of flippers is rather yellow. Widespread on the average lower flow of Amur, Ussuri, in a lake Hanka.
In summer sticks to both in the river-bed of the river and in streamside reservoirs. In autumn goes out channels and lakes in a river-bed on wintering.
Typical predator, consuming  shallow fish mainly.
During spawning castes caviar in the layer of water. Fecundity on the average about 160 thousand grains of roe. Puberty comes in age 5.
8,6 kg arrive at length a 70 cm and mass


Usual  Cottus gobio.  II is categories. Widespread kind the quantity of that grows short.
Body almost cylindrical, narrowed to the tail flipper. Head wide. Flippers the rounded, abdominal flippers do not arrive at an ass hole. Colouring of body changes depending on the terms of habitation, usually brown or greenish-brown, with a different marble pattern. Abdominal side more pale.
Widespread on all territory of European part of Russia
Подкаменщик is the ground fish, dwells in the small rivers and brooks. There is a to 9 m from a 10 cm on depths. In daily time hidden under stones, in the jungles of water vegetation; the active way of life conducts at night. Feeds on the cancroid and ground larvae of insects, sometimes by the fingerlings of other fishes.
Spawning takes place in March - May. Caviar fishes put aside in the specially tunnelled fossulas or attach to the downside of surface of stones. Males guard laying during 3-4 weeks to hatching.
Ordinary sizes a no more than 10 cm, in exceptional cases is to 17 см.



Most the illnesses, passed to the man from fishes, caused by helmints dwellings in the bowels of fishes.
Diphyllobothriasis. This disease of man and carnivores is caused by the cestoid(лентецом) of плероцеркоидом. An adult worm parasitizes in the bowels of man and many predatory mammals : dogs, lady-cats, foxes, polar foxes, wolves. He so well adjusted to the parasitic method of existence, that does not have the digestive system and even rictus.
Food a digestive an owner he takes in directly through the walls of body. The long лентовидное body of лентеца(once for a man was found out a worm long about 20 м) consists of hundreds and even thousands of segments, each of that contains masculine and woman genital organs. As far as ripening of segment there is an accumulation of plenty of eggs in him. Together with by wastes they hatch in an environment, where, getting in water, ripen. In 7-10 days(depending on the temperature of water) a larva freely floating some time goes out an egg. Further development of parasite flows in the body of crawfishes-cyclops - intermediate owners of лентеца. Infected cyclops by used fishes - by the additional owners of лентеца. More often than other a pike, burbot, perch, ruff, sheat-fish, eel, salmon, grayling, white-fish, omul, come forward in this role. Diphyllobothrium latum of parasite, getting in the stomach of fish, grow there into the larva of the next stage - Diphyllobothrium latum. A disease, caused  usually flows for a man heavily.
Nausea, stomach-aches, appear, an appetite is violated. Helmints stop up the road clearance of bowels, disorder his functions. In more bad cases anaemia develops for patients. These phenomena do not pass "in itself"(term of life  in the bowels of man 25 to), therefore at finding out the symptoms of illness it is necessary immediately to visit a doctor.
Opisthorchiasis. At eating up of raw or badly boiled thoroughly fish a man can be infected by this dangerous disease, caused plathelminth known as the Siberian or cat-like fluke. A basic hearth of his distribution is pools of the rivers Obi and Irtish. Except this district a disease registers in the pools of the rivers Kames, Volga, and also Dnepr, South Bug, North Dontsca  and presently has a tendency to distribution. A disease causing agent is an opistorchis - leave worm long a to 1,2 cm, metecious in a gall-bladder, bilious channels of liver and in a pancreas. Along with a man an opistorchis can parasitize for many carnivores: foxes, polar foxes, sables, polecat. The most frequent carriers of opistorchis are lady-cats. Except the adopted basic owners in development of parasite participate, two intermediate, first from that is shallow freshwater shellfish of Bithynia tentaculata, and second is some fish from family of carp(bream, roach, tench, chub). If after expiration of 5-6 weeks the staggered fish will be eaten by a man or carnivore, then in 10-12 days getting to the bilious channels of liver or in the gall-bladder of larva of opistorchis will come to sexual maturity and will begin to oviposit. Development of parasite from an egg to the  worm proceeds during 4-5 month For a man illness flows with characteristic symptoms: pains appear in an anticardium or in right подреберье. Observed also nausea, quite often vomiting, abundant salivation. Gradually develop weakness, irritability, headaches. A liver increases often, becomes sickly at feeling. By a basic link in the complex of measures on a fight against the helminthisms of man there are a timely exposure and treatment of patients a diphyllobothriasis and opisthorchiasis. In order to avoid an infection the fish caught from unhappy reservoirs, it is impossible to use in food in fresh or in a  kind. Her it is needed carefully to fry thoroughly or boil thoroughly. Drying of fish during 2-3 weeks, freezing of her at a temperature minus 10-12 °With during 25-30 Sothos also kill the larvae of vermin. It is categorically forbidden to feed the raw infected fish, and also her entrails to the dogs, lady-cats or other animals.
Ligula intestinalis. Many fishermen at cleaning taken fish discovered in her abdominal region of long(to 120 cm) plathelminths of white color(solitaire). It causative agents of лигулеза or Digramma interrupta of many freshwater fishes are impuberal forms of band Ligula intestinalis. Individuals live in the bowels of  birds : gulls, toadstools, cormorants, herons. It is so-called their final owners. Except them 2 participate in development of intermediate owner are cyclops and fishes a mainly carp(bream,roach, caspian roach). Getting in bowels together with food, and then in the perigastrium of fish, vermin grow, feed due to an owner, squeeze internalss, cause violation of their functions. Taken fish, staggered Ligula intestinalis, after moving away of them from an abdominal region fully suitable in food. However meat of sick fishes some differs on biochemical composition from meat of fishes healthy, it less nourishing and delicious. Although presently Ligula intestinalis found out at 47 types of freshwater fishes, some fishes, such, as white-fish, pike perch, is immune to this illness


  Quite often on a reservoir fishermen pay attention to unusual behavior of fishes and change of their original appearance. This certificate that fish is sick.
   That does assist spreading disease of fishes? Mostly is producing in the reservoir of молоди not passing veterinary-ikhtiopatologichesky examination, and also use of the sprats caught in " unhappy" reservoirs.
   Every fisherman must know basic signs most spread disease, to protect itself from a disease, and reservoirs - from an infection.
   In copsy or reserved ponds, rarer in the rivers and storage pools there are  carp, European carp, roach, bream, tench and even sturgeon, staggered by a german measles (aeromonoses). This infectious disease of fishes. Sick fish floats on the surface of reservoir, not reacting on external irritants. Her it is easily possible to catch hands. She looks like a watery, swollen freak: a scale is dishevelled, eyes are goggled, on a body round red wounds and scars are often noticeable.
On such fish frying pan will not lay, and in the hands of her taking will not want. And however it is necessary on possibility to catch her and bury a little rather from a reservoir, and disinfect cordages a limewater.
In a hot season the European carp, tench, pike, burbot, carp, Asian carp, can be staggered by parasitic crawfish from the sort of Lernaea. The disease caused to them is named Lernaea cyprinacea. Tubercles-abscesses appear on the body of fish, from the center of that a resilient greenish-brown bar goes out outside, long hardly anymore centimetre. If to pull up this  to notice four glassy sprouts, reminding the horns of deer. This is parasitic crawfish that is inculcated in the body of fish.
   At times a fisherman, catching a bream or roach, pays attention to black spots sparse on all body of fish. It is wide spread disease, and she is named Posthodiplostomum cuticola, or by the blackly-spotted disease. Caused by helmints the vections of that are herons.
 In autumn quite often there are a carp,  or tench, at that in area of head and forehand of body find out mass of shallow, thin leeches with the fusiform body, covered by dark and white strakes. One end of Piscicola geometra has a little round sucker,, the second - large spherical. The disease caused by them is named Piscicola geometra
Pisces uneasily float on a reservoir, ground at piles, reeds, boats, thrown out from water, lose weight and poorly react on external irritants. On the body of fish, after falling off of leech, there are round wounds that often bleeding. Different bacteria and fungi settle in the places of defeat of skin.
saprolegnioz is the mycotic disease of fishes, caused by moulding fungus of saprolegnioz. Fungi dwell in any water, are saprophytes and instantly settle on the trauma areas of body of fishes and fish caviar. Develop at any time year and even at a subzero temperature.  On the body of fish, flippers, branchiaes, a cotton-like raid appears in nostrils. Getting to fabrics, fungus destroys them. Quite often, catching sick fish, it is possible to discover that she does not have a tail or pectoral flipper. In course of time saprolegnioz gets to the muscles and internalss. The strongly staggered fish weakens and perishes. If you caught such fish, do not hurry to throw out her in a reservoir, better give on a feed to the birds or othe by an animal.
In cane-brakes, reed, cattail,  and water buckwheat, in poorly running reservoirs a carp, perch, meets sometimes, on the surface of body of that small(from 5 to 12 millimetres) movable crawfishes of greenish color are noticeable. This parasite from the sort of Argulus has a prickly proboscis pricks the skin of fishes that, feeding on their blood. Shallow wounds appear in the site of damage. A disease that causes parasite is named аргулез. Crawfishes freely float in water, therefore easily carried from a reservoir in a reservoir; a vection can be the also infected sprat. 
Lernaea cyprinacea,  Posthodiplostomum cuticola,  Piscicolosis, Saprolegniales,  Argulus foliaceus strike the surface of body of fish only. Therefore  after the careful cleaning such fish can be used in food without limitations.
On a lake Issyk-Kul in Kirghizia on the spoon-bait of spinning large pike perches, patient with Fibrosarcoma genuinum - viral disease dangerous, meet sometimes, mainly, for pike perches. Rarely it meets a tSchizothorax in the rivers of Turkmenia. Illness increases in an autumn period. On the body of fish the shallow and large tumours(hillocks) of oval and extended form, whitish-grey or light-brown color, and also ulcer are noticeable. An appetite for such fish is enhanceable, she seizes both a spoon-bait and dead fish. Death of sick fishes is insignificant. Such  fish I am not recommended, because she can cause the food poisoning.
Most often fishermen meet with the fish infected by the larvae of tapeworm from the sort of Ligula, that many unright name solitaire. Larvae of intestinal worm are in the abdominal region of fishes, therefore a belly for them is swollen. A roach, bream, is infected by this parasite roach, caspian roach and other carp fishes, and from them are birds. A disease is named Ligula intestinalis
For a man such fish  is not dangerous.   After moving away of branchiaes and internalss it is possible to use her in food, salting dry-process. (To fall asleep by salt on three days, after about 3-4 to soak off in water, changing her every half a hours. To put in the underbody of refrigerator, through twenty-four hours fish is ready).
In a middle stripe and on the south of country quite often young carp meet with dense  growths on a body. It is a pox of carp, viral disease dangerous only for carp.
   In autumn of predatory fishes, for the caught pike a snout is as though smeared by bright red lipstick. It is hypodermic hemorrhages. They are visible and on a body at pectoral flippers. Quite often falcate wounds appear on a body. Here we deal with a plague. Except a pike, a plague a perch, burbot, bream, are ill and roach.First a disease was registered in Germany yet to the second world war. After war from uncontrolled transportations of pike for рыборазведения sick fish got in the reservoirs of Moscow Suburbs and other districts. Now the plague of pikes registers in the storage pools of North Kazakhstan and middle stripe of country. For a man she  is not dangerous.  However bad heat treatment of sick fishes can cause the food poisoning.

Does a man  can infected from fish? Yes, can. It should be remembered that the badly boiled thoroughly or unfried thoroughly fish not only causes poisoning but also can be the source of infection of man and domestic animals by helmints.
  Hardly noticeable to the eye the larvae of intestinal worms, being in outwardly healthy fish, getting in the organism of man and  animals, cause heavy diseases - opisthorchiasis and diphyllobothriasis. Women that process fish and try her raw are more often infected.

The larvae of opistorchis are infect a roach, язь, сазан, bream, елец, tench, chub, minnow. There are not they for salmon, sturgeon, and also marine fishes.The causative agent of diphyllobothriasis meets only for predators - pike, perch, ruff, burbot, salmon, grayling, trout, white-fish.
There are larvae in the muscles of fishes at spinal and anal flippers. They are ultrafine, therefore to see them difficult. Fish is infected, eating up snails and crawfishes(cyclops) in that vermin get from sullage flows, therefore rest rooms are necessary to be built a little rather from reservoirs. 

 In the organism of man intestinal worms develop quickly, and already the signs of disease appear in 2-3 weeks. At an opisthorchiasis is a headache, aching pain under a spoon, brief increase of temperature. Pains under a spoon increase every day and does not depend on eating. Eventually a man loses ability to work. Nausea, stomach-aches, violation of appetite, locks or diarrhoeas, rapid fatigueability and irritability, begin at a diphyllobothriasis. Both diseases are successfully cured, if in good time to visit a doctor.
Fish infected by the larvae of these vermin, it is possible, to use in food, only preliminary well boiling thoroughly her  or frying thoroughly. Salt and dried fish is maintained in тузлуке no less than 12 days, similarly salt caviar. At freezing fish must be survived no less than 14-16 days at a stationary temperature minus 15 °С.
A fight against these illnesses in reservoirs is difficult, it is therefore important to shut out their infection. If you saw that in the river flows get from stock-raising farms, about it it is needed immediately to report in Committee on conservancy.
A Sanitary-bacteriological analysis taken fish can be conducted in regional, district, inter-district veterinary laboratories and laboratories of the ikhtioveterinarno-sanitary examination at municipal markets.