
Who did get in the Red books?

The fishes added to the Red books are subdivided into five categories depending on the quantity of their kinds :
I. a category is kinds(subspecieses) being under threat of disappearance; kinds the quantity of that attained a critical level as a result of(including) drastic alternations of places of their habitation and that
in the near time, apparently, will disappear; kinds that, maybe, disappeared already.

II. a category is kinds the quantity of that quickly grows short; rare or even ordinary in the recent past kinds with a so steadily growing short quantity, that in the near future, if urgent measures will not be accepted, they will pass to the category of vanishing.

III. a category is rare kinds being not yet under the instant danger of extinction, but meeting in such small amount or on such insignificant territories, that any serious danger can quickly result in their disappearance.

IV. a category is not popular, studied not enough kinds, maybe, being under threat disappearances, however the lack of information allows to take them with a confidence to one of the first three categories.

V. a category is the recovered kinds the quantity of that under influence of the measures accepted before began to increase. Now they go out from under hanging over them dangers, however the state of them must be constantly controlled.

Fishes of all five categories of all regions of our country are brought in the Red book of Russia. Their distinctive signs, colouring, distribution, habitats, feed, spawning and sizes, are given. Here
practically all types of fishes of families a sturgeon, salmon, many types of carp.

Atlantic sturgeon. Fish I is categories, being under threat disappearances.
Body of oblong fusiform form. Tail flipper asymmetric. There are 5 longitudinal rows of bone house-dogs on a back, sides and belly. The long dug, nostrils are well developed, a mouth little, lower, is cylindrical, on the downside of snout ahead of mouth are two pairs of long smooth tendrils.
Colouring of back from greenish-brown to almost black, with age becomes darker. The abdominal side of body is rather yellow-white.
Widespread at-sea North Europe, including in Baltic, and also in the Black sea. Before met in Ladoga and Onega lakes.
At-sea an atlantic sturgeon dwells at a bottom, on small depths. There are grounds to consider that at-sea this fish accomplishes migrations in the layer of water. An atlantic sturgeon now is very rare, and knowing about these fishes on the single catching is possible very small, but, having regard to all known information, it is possible to suppose that they dwell at-sea mainly on soft sandy and silty
At-sea a sturgeon feeds on shellfishes, worms, crustaceas and fish - by bull-calves, chick-weeds, in the Black sea - by a khamsa. Молодь in a freshwater period of life feeds on the above-ground on a day larvae of insects, shallow crustaceas and shellfishes.
Seed-fishes are included in the rivers in April - May and after spawning abandon the river, and молодь born in the river remains here sometimes 3 to. A sturgeon spawns in the rivers on a depth a 6-8 m on  soil.
Sticky black caviar is glued to soil, in 3-7 days from grains of roe larvae are pecked out. Fecundity of one female with¬ставляет from 800 thousand to 2 millions 400 thousand grains of roe.
A female is arrived at in length a 3,5 m and the masses by 317 kg, males some more shallow. Large copies are very rare in our time.
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni. Fish I is categories, being under threat of disappearance.
The wide dug, уплощенное, лопатообразное, sharp-edged. On the end of snout from one to nine

sharp thorns. For two sharp thorns present between eyes and on the back of head. Mouth large. Eyes very little. A body between the rows of bone house-dogs is covered by bone granules. The overhead blade of tail flipper ends with a long filament. A back is brown or darkly-grey. Belly light, rather yellow. Widespread in Amudaria.
The mestome of habitation is a river-bed of the river with a sandy bottom. Молодь feeds on invertebrates, mainly by the larvae of insects. Adult individuals eat up fishes: loaches and also water larvae of insects.
Spawning takes place in April. Fecundity of females from thousand to 1,9 thousand grains of roe, but sometimes there are copies caste to 30 thousand grains of roe. Young fishes after hatching is rolled in the lower areas of the river.

Adult individuals arrive at length a 75 cm(including a tail filament) and mass to 2,5 kg

 Aral sea salmon. Fish I is categories. One of intraspecific forms of bulltrout, rare,  being under threat of disappearance.
Body slender, fusiform, a bit  from sides. Mouth large. There is a fatty flipper. Anal flipper short, has less than 10 branchy rays.An aral sea salmon is very near to caspian. Differs from the last more long head, more long jaws.
Colouring of back is dark, sides - silvery. A body is covered by numerous black spots.
Widespread in the
Aral sea. 
Conducts greater part of life at-sea. The way of life is studied very poorly.
Feed - traditional for all predatory fishes.
On spawning rises in
Length arrives at a 1 m, масса- 13-14 kg.

Sevan trout . Fish I is categories, being under threat of disappearance. Forms a few intraspecific forms: winter and summer
Body fusiform. After a dorsal fin there is a small fatty flipper characteristic for all salmon. Head not large. Overhead a jaw does not go behind the back edge of eye.
Colouring during working out is silvery, with the back of steel color, there are a bit dark patches on sides, they are bordered by a weak light rim. In a marriage dress males get dark, flippers become almost
black, 2-3 red spots appear on the sides of body.
Young fishes - with dark transversal stripes and red spots.
Widespread in a lake Sevan, acclimatized in a lake Issyk-Kul.
A habitat is strictly unreserved: meets on all lake.
Basic food is crawfishes-amphipoda.
Ишхан known under the name "winter bahtak" spawns in a lake on a depth a 0,5-3 m, on a shallow hoggin, from November for March. Ishkhan known under the name "summer bahtak" spawns in spring and summer in the small rivers Bahtak-tea and Gedak-bulah , and also in the  areas of lake. Bodjak, more shallow form, spawns also in a lake on a depth a 1-40 m in October - November. Finally, the form of гегеркуни(most shallow trout) on spawning goes to the rivers in winter.
Length is more often only near a 30 cm, mass 300-400 the Large copies long a to 75 cm and to 4-5 kg are extremely rare mass.

Chinese perch, or auha. Fish of family of lithoidal perches of I of category. Rare kind being under threat of disappearance.
A body is compressed from sides. A tail flipper is rounded. Abdominal flippers have a powerful thorn. A scale on a body is shallow, smooth, I am on cheeks and operculums. Mouth large, a lower jaw is strongly given out forward.
Colouring of back is grey or greenish-grey, sides - silvery-rather yellow, for large individuals - sulphur, with wrong, meeting black spots. On all flippers, except thoracal and abdominal, there are also bright black spots. The basic background of flippers is rather yellow. Widespread on the average lower flow of Amur, Ussuri, in a lake Hanka.
In summer sticks to both in the river-bed of the river and in streamside reservoirs. In autumn goes out channels and lakes in a river-bed on wintering.
Typical predator, consuming  shallow fish mainly.
During spawning castes caviar in the layer of water. Fecundity on the average about 160 thousand grains of roe. Puberty comes in age 5.
8,6 kg arrive at length a 70 cm and mass


Usual  Cottus gobio.  II is categories. Widespread kind the quantity of that grows short.
Body almost cylindrical, narrowed to the tail flipper. Head wide. Flippers the rounded, abdominal flippers do not arrive at an ass hole. Colouring of body changes depending on the terms of habitation, usually brown or greenish-brown, with a different marble pattern. Abdominal side more pale.
Widespread on all territory of European part of Russia
Подкаменщик is the ground fish, dwells in the small rivers and brooks. There is a to 9 m from a 10 cm on depths. In daily time hidden under stones, in the jungles of water vegetation; the active way of life conducts at night. Feeds on the cancroid and ground larvae of insects, sometimes by the fingerlings of other fishes.
Spawning takes place in March - May. Caviar fishes put aside in the specially tunnelled fossulas or attach to the downside of surface of stones. Males guard laying during 3-4 weeks to hatching.
Ordinary sizes a no more than 10 cm, in exceptional cases is to 17 см.

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