

  Quite often on a reservoir fishermen pay attention to unusual behavior of fishes and change of their original appearance. This certificate that fish is sick.
   That does assist spreading disease of fishes? Mostly is producing in the reservoir of молоди not passing veterinary-ikhtiopatologichesky examination, and also use of the sprats caught in " unhappy" reservoirs.
   Every fisherman must know basic signs most spread disease, to protect itself from a disease, and reservoirs - from an infection.
   In copsy or reserved ponds, rarer in the rivers and storage pools there are  carp, European carp, roach, bream, tench and even sturgeon, staggered by a german measles (aeromonoses). This infectious disease of fishes. Sick fish floats on the surface of reservoir, not reacting on external irritants. Her it is easily possible to catch hands. She looks like a watery, swollen freak: a scale is dishevelled, eyes are goggled, on a body round red wounds and scars are often noticeable.
On such fish frying pan will not lay, and in the hands of her taking will not want. And however it is necessary on possibility to catch her and bury a little rather from a reservoir, and disinfect cordages a limewater.
In a hot season the European carp, tench, pike, burbot, carp, Asian carp, can be staggered by parasitic crawfish from the sort of Lernaea. The disease caused to them is named Lernaea cyprinacea. Tubercles-abscesses appear on the body of fish, from the center of that a resilient greenish-brown bar goes out outside, long hardly anymore centimetre. If to pull up this  to notice four glassy sprouts, reminding the horns of deer. This is parasitic crawfish that is inculcated in the body of fish.
   At times a fisherman, catching a bream or roach, pays attention to black spots sparse on all body of fish. It is wide spread disease, and she is named Posthodiplostomum cuticola, or by the blackly-spotted disease. Caused by helmints the vections of that are herons.
 In autumn quite often there are a carp,  or tench, at that in area of head and forehand of body find out mass of shallow, thin leeches with the fusiform body, covered by dark and white strakes. One end of Piscicola geometra has a little round sucker,, the second - large spherical. The disease caused by them is named Piscicola geometra
Pisces uneasily float on a reservoir, ground at piles, reeds, boats, thrown out from water, lose weight and poorly react on external irritants. On the body of fish, after falling off of leech, there are round wounds that often bleeding. Different bacteria and fungi settle in the places of defeat of skin.
saprolegnioz is the mycotic disease of fishes, caused by moulding fungus of saprolegnioz. Fungi dwell in any water, are saprophytes and instantly settle on the trauma areas of body of fishes and fish caviar. Develop at any time year and even at a subzero temperature.  On the body of fish, flippers, branchiaes, a cotton-like raid appears in nostrils. Getting to fabrics, fungus destroys them. Quite often, catching sick fish, it is possible to discover that she does not have a tail or pectoral flipper. In course of time saprolegnioz gets to the muscles and internalss. The strongly staggered fish weakens and perishes. If you caught such fish, do not hurry to throw out her in a reservoir, better give on a feed to the birds or othe by an animal.
In cane-brakes, reed, cattail,  and water buckwheat, in poorly running reservoirs a carp, perch, meets sometimes, on the surface of body of that small(from 5 to 12 millimetres) movable crawfishes of greenish color are noticeable. This parasite from the sort of Argulus has a prickly proboscis pricks the skin of fishes that, feeding on their blood. Shallow wounds appear in the site of damage. A disease that causes parasite is named аргулез. Crawfishes freely float in water, therefore easily carried from a reservoir in a reservoir; a vection can be the also infected sprat. 
Lernaea cyprinacea,  Posthodiplostomum cuticola,  Piscicolosis, Saprolegniales,  Argulus foliaceus strike the surface of body of fish only. Therefore  after the careful cleaning such fish can be used in food without limitations.
On a lake Issyk-Kul in Kirghizia on the spoon-bait of spinning large pike perches, patient with Fibrosarcoma genuinum - viral disease dangerous, meet sometimes, mainly, for pike perches. Rarely it meets a tSchizothorax in the rivers of Turkmenia. Illness increases in an autumn period. On the body of fish the shallow and large tumours(hillocks) of oval and extended form, whitish-grey or light-brown color, and also ulcer are noticeable. An appetite for such fish is enhanceable, she seizes both a spoon-bait and dead fish. Death of sick fishes is insignificant. Such  fish I am not recommended, because she can cause the food poisoning.
Most often fishermen meet with the fish infected by the larvae of tapeworm from the sort of Ligula, that many unright name solitaire. Larvae of intestinal worm are in the abdominal region of fishes, therefore a belly for them is swollen. A roach, bream, is infected by this parasite roach, caspian roach and other carp fishes, and from them are birds. A disease is named Ligula intestinalis
For a man such fish  is not dangerous.   After moving away of branchiaes and internalss it is possible to use her in food, salting dry-process. (To fall asleep by salt on three days, after about 3-4 to soak off in water, changing her every half a hours. To put in the underbody of refrigerator, through twenty-four hours fish is ready).
In a middle stripe and on the south of country quite often young carp meet with dense  growths on a body. It is a pox of carp, viral disease dangerous only for carp.
   In autumn of predatory fishes, for the caught pike a snout is as though smeared by bright red lipstick. It is hypodermic hemorrhages. They are visible and on a body at pectoral flippers. Quite often falcate wounds appear on a body. Here we deal with a plague. Except a pike, a plague a perch, burbot, bream, are ill and roach.First a disease was registered in Germany yet to the second world war. After war from uncontrolled transportations of pike for рыборазведения sick fish got in the reservoirs of Moscow Suburbs and other districts. Now the plague of pikes registers in the storage pools of North Kazakhstan and middle stripe of country. For a man she  is not dangerous.  However bad heat treatment of sick fishes can cause the food poisoning.

Does a man  can infected from fish? Yes, can. It should be remembered that the badly boiled thoroughly or unfried thoroughly fish not only causes poisoning but also can be the source of infection of man and domestic animals by helmints.
  Hardly noticeable to the eye the larvae of intestinal worms, being in outwardly healthy fish, getting in the organism of man and  animals, cause heavy diseases - opisthorchiasis and diphyllobothriasis. Women that process fish and try her raw are more often infected.

The larvae of opistorchis are infect a roach, язь, сазан, bream, елец, tench, chub, minnow. There are not they for salmon, sturgeon, and also marine fishes.The causative agent of diphyllobothriasis meets only for predators - pike, perch, ruff, burbot, salmon, grayling, trout, white-fish.
There are larvae in the muscles of fishes at spinal and anal flippers. They are ultrafine, therefore to see them difficult. Fish is infected, eating up snails and crawfishes(cyclops) in that vermin get from sullage flows, therefore rest rooms are necessary to be built a little rather from reservoirs. 

 In the organism of man intestinal worms develop quickly, and already the signs of disease appear in 2-3 weeks. At an opisthorchiasis is a headache, aching pain under a spoon, brief increase of temperature. Pains under a spoon increase every day and does not depend on eating. Eventually a man loses ability to work. Nausea, stomach-aches, violation of appetite, locks or diarrhoeas, rapid fatigueability and irritability, begin at a diphyllobothriasis. Both diseases are successfully cured, if in good time to visit a doctor.
Fish infected by the larvae of these vermin, it is possible, to use in food, only preliminary well boiling thoroughly her  or frying thoroughly. Salt and dried fish is maintained in тузлуке no less than 12 days, similarly salt caviar. At freezing fish must be survived no less than 14-16 days at a stationary temperature minus 15 °С.
A fight against these illnesses in reservoirs is difficult, it is therefore important to shut out their infection. If you saw that in the river flows get from stock-raising farms, about it it is needed immediately to report in Committee on conservancy.
A Sanitary-bacteriological analysis taken fish can be conducted in regional, district, inter-district veterinary laboratories and laboratories of the ikhtioveterinarno-sanitary examination at municipal markets. 

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