

Most the illnesses, passed to the man from fishes, caused by helmints dwellings in the bowels of fishes.
Diphyllobothriasis. This disease of man and carnivores is caused by the cestoid(лентецом) of плероцеркоидом. An adult worm parasitizes in the bowels of man and many predatory mammals : dogs, lady-cats, foxes, polar foxes, wolves. He so well adjusted to the parasitic method of existence, that does not have the digestive system and even rictus.
Food a digestive an owner he takes in directly through the walls of body. The long лентовидное body of лентеца(once for a man was found out a worm long about 20 м) consists of hundreds and even thousands of segments, each of that contains masculine and woman genital organs. As far as ripening of segment there is an accumulation of plenty of eggs in him. Together with by wastes they hatch in an environment, where, getting in water, ripen. In 7-10 days(depending on the temperature of water) a larva freely floating some time goes out an egg. Further development of parasite flows in the body of crawfishes-cyclops - intermediate owners of лентеца. Infected cyclops by used fishes - by the additional owners of лентеца. More often than other a pike, burbot, perch, ruff, sheat-fish, eel, salmon, grayling, white-fish, omul, come forward in this role. Diphyllobothrium latum of parasite, getting in the stomach of fish, grow there into the larva of the next stage - Diphyllobothrium latum. A disease, caused  usually flows for a man heavily.
Nausea, stomach-aches, appear, an appetite is violated. Helmints stop up the road clearance of bowels, disorder his functions. In more bad cases anaemia develops for patients. These phenomena do not pass "in itself"(term of life  in the bowels of man 25 to), therefore at finding out the symptoms of illness it is necessary immediately to visit a doctor.
Opisthorchiasis. At eating up of raw or badly boiled thoroughly fish a man can be infected by this dangerous disease, caused plathelminth known as the Siberian or cat-like fluke. A basic hearth of his distribution is pools of the rivers Obi and Irtish. Except this district a disease registers in the pools of the rivers Kames, Volga, and also Dnepr, South Bug, North Dontsca  and presently has a tendency to distribution. A disease causing agent is an opistorchis - leave worm long a to 1,2 cm, metecious in a gall-bladder, bilious channels of liver and in a pancreas. Along with a man an opistorchis can parasitize for many carnivores: foxes, polar foxes, sables, polecat. The most frequent carriers of opistorchis are lady-cats. Except the adopted basic owners in development of parasite participate, two intermediate, first from that is shallow freshwater shellfish of Bithynia tentaculata, and second is some fish from family of carp(bream, roach, tench, chub). If after expiration of 5-6 weeks the staggered fish will be eaten by a man or carnivore, then in 10-12 days getting to the bilious channels of liver or in the gall-bladder of larva of opistorchis will come to sexual maturity and will begin to oviposit. Development of parasite from an egg to the  worm proceeds during 4-5 month For a man illness flows with characteristic symptoms: pains appear in an anticardium or in right подреберье. Observed also nausea, quite often vomiting, abundant salivation. Gradually develop weakness, irritability, headaches. A liver increases often, becomes sickly at feeling. By a basic link in the complex of measures on a fight against the helminthisms of man there are a timely exposure and treatment of patients a diphyllobothriasis and opisthorchiasis. In order to avoid an infection the fish caught from unhappy reservoirs, it is impossible to use in food in fresh or in a  kind. Her it is needed carefully to fry thoroughly or boil thoroughly. Drying of fish during 2-3 weeks, freezing of her at a temperature minus 10-12 °With during 25-30 Sothos also kill the larvae of vermin. It is categorically forbidden to feed the raw infected fish, and also her entrails to the dogs, lady-cats or other animals.
Ligula intestinalis. Many fishermen at cleaning taken fish discovered in her abdominal region of long(to 120 cm) plathelminths of white color(solitaire). It causative agents of лигулеза or Digramma interrupta of many freshwater fishes are impuberal forms of band Ligula intestinalis. Individuals live in the bowels of  birds : gulls, toadstools, cormorants, herons. It is so-called their final owners. Except them 2 participate in development of intermediate owner are cyclops and fishes a mainly carp(bream,roach, caspian roach). Getting in bowels together with food, and then in the perigastrium of fish, vermin grow, feed due to an owner, squeeze internalss, cause violation of their functions. Taken fish, staggered Ligula intestinalis, after moving away of them from an abdominal region fully suitable in food. However meat of sick fishes some differs on biochemical composition from meat of fishes healthy, it less nourishing and delicious. Although presently Ligula intestinalis found out at 47 types of freshwater fishes, some fishes, such, as white-fish, pike perch, is immune to this illness

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